Sunday Small Groups

Sunday School for Adults

Sunday Study & Discipleship Groups

Adult Study and Discipleship Groups meet every Sunday at St. Stephen, 10-11am, between our 9am and 11am worship services. Sunday School groups for adults offer unique opportunities to continue your study of Scripture and the Christian life in fellowship with others. Groups exist for all kinds of people. Find where you fit in our list of Sunday study groups below.

Discovery Class

Room 36
Discovery is a reconciling class composed of intergenerational adults who seek to deepen their faith through studying and discussing challenging books and topics. Members value openness, diversity, mutual support, individual preparation, and shared leadership. We believe that Christian growth leads us to participation in a wide variety of outreach ministries within and beyond St. Stephen Church. Class members find inspiration in regularly attending special conferences and retreats featuring outstanding teachers and theologians.

Expressions Class

Room 29
The Expressions Class is comprised of couples and singles, empty-nesters, and grandparents. Programs focus on Bible studies, social issues, book studies, and other topics. Missions include Room in the Inn, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, Urban Ministry, and camp sponsorships. We frequently enjoy social outings. We welcome guests!

Journey Class

Room 30
We are a class family composed of couples and singles, mostly in their late 40s to early 60s, some with adult children, some without. Class lessons cover a variety of 4-6 week study topics, devotions, and other lessons rotated between volunteer discussion leaders. Members participate in a wide variety of mission and ministry. In short, we take seriously the call the disciples of Christ — not ourselves ‚ and are committed to St. Stephen and each other. We’d love to have you join the study, fellowship, and fun.

Joy Class

Room 33
Joy Class members, both singles and couples, are over 60, but young in spirit! We focus our studies on scripture and social issues with classes taught by members and outside speakers. Our missions include Room in the Inn, regular giving to several charities, and sponsoring Appalachian Service Project (ASP) through our Ron Carpenter Memorial Fund. We have several social outings per year including dinners and trips. Please join us for spirited and engaging discussion, enlightening programs, and family-like fellowship and caring.

Life Class

Room 18
The Life Class consists of couples in their late 50s to mid 70s. Our programs focus on Bible study and modern applications of the scriptures. On the second Thursday of each month, we prepare and serve dinner at the Center of Hope. We’re involved with Room in the Inn and Crisis Assistance, and we sponsor families at Christmas. Our class enjoys a variety of class socials and fellowship opportunities throughout the year. All are welcome to join us!

Pathways Class

Room 27
Pathways started as a small Bible study group. In the past we have covered the Disciple Bible studies. More recently we have utilized studies by Adam Hamilton, Philip Young, and Lee Strobel among others. Each of us has different paths we follow in our Christian walk; sometimes those paths are parallel to others and sometimes they go different ways. Through class discussion, we learn from each other and strengthen our faith and understanding of Christianity. All are welcome.

Step-by-Step Class

Room 7
Named after the popular TV sitcom that aired in the 90s, the Step-by-Step class is comprised of adults, both singles and couples, who grew up during that era. Members share the responsibility of leading discussions on life, parenting and faith topics, focusing on the Bible and how it applies to daily life. We often gather socially and participate in small group studies, such as our Ladies Devotional Group. Members provide support and fellowship to each other as we move “Step-by-Step” through the various stages of our lives.

Unity Class

Room 34
The Unity Class studies a variety of topics through book studies and Bible study. This class provides the perfect opportunity for sharing, relating to, and supporting each other as we seek to grow in our lives as Christian disciples. We participate in service projects both within the church and on our own, as the class feels led to serve. All adults from young to seniors, single or married, are welcome.

More Adult Programs

Explore other program and ministry offerings for adults.

Get in Touch

Want to learn more about our Adult Small Groups and adult programs? Complete this form to contact our Minister of Discipleship & Engagement Laura Campbell and she'll get you connected.

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