BE Series: Be Kind
Ken Curtis   -  

In this second week of our BE Series, Pastor Ken explores the prophet Micah’s second call: Kindness. The Hebrew word translated as kindness is the word hesed. It’s a word that has layers of meanings. It’s also translated as compassion or mercy or steadfast love. Hesed is a lot more than just being nice. We often hear the phrase “random acts of kindness,” but challenge yourself to think about kindness as deliberate, not random.

Sermon Resources:

Sermon Reflections:

  • How does the concept of hesed (kindness) align with your understanding of kindness as discussed in the sermon and in the Hebrew scriptures? How can you embody hesed in your daily life?
  • The sermon highlighted the health benefits and positive impacts of kindness. How have you personally experienced or witnessed the transformative power of kindness in your life or community?
  • Kindness is often associated with generosity and empathy. In what ways can you extend kindness to those who may be marginalized or overlooked in your community or society? How can you use your privilege or resources to uplift others and promote justice through kindness?
  • How do you plan on committing to practicing kindness in your daily routine? Are there specific acts of kindness or gestures that resonate with you and that you would like to prioritize during this challenge? How do you think you might use the October 31 Days of Kindness Calendar to assist you in this challenge?