iWitness: The Two Thieves
Ken Curtis   -  

We are traveling through Lent, the 40 days (excluding Sundays) of preparation before Easter. During this season, we will explore some of the eyewitnesses to the cross, including some of the very first evangelists. Through their examples, we’ll learn more about what it means to be a witness for Christ and his Good News.

In our first installment, we explored Judas, the disciple of Jesus who infamously betrayed him. Then, we turned our attention to Nicodemus, a member of the ruling council to which Judas turned when he betrayed Jesus. We next explored the example of Mary, Jesus’ mother, and last week, we turned to one of Jesus’ inner-circle: Peter. This week, we hear the story of the two thieves crucified alongside Jesus.

Sermon Reflections:

  1. Which criminal on the cross do you identify with more? Why?
  2. How does the sermon define “repentance”?
  3. Can you think of a time when you joined in with a crowd to insult or demean someone? Do you regret it?
  4. In the sermon, we explore the story of Kelly, a woman on death row who found faith. How does her story connect to the story of the two criminals?
  5. What does the sermon say about God’s mercy? Is anyone beyond redemption?
  6. Considering the sermon’s message, how will you strive to be more like the repentant criminal on the cross?